My Mission (June 2022- 2023)


 Hello, and welcome to the first official blogpost on the Jonah on a Mission blog! Thank y'all for stopping by! In this blog I will be detailing many thoughts I have, experiences the Lord has blessed me with, and my mission moving forward. In this post I will be detailing my intended missions taking place between June 2022 and November 2023, in order, and some backstory behind these missions. I hope y'all enjoy this post and have a great day!

5-Day Clubs | Minnesota

What is a 5-Day Club?

 5-Day Clubs are a great children's ministry opertunity! 5-Day Clubs take place in people's backyards, in parks, and in many other places like Churches. Teenagers between the ages of 12 and adulthood go out to these clubs for five days and teach these children about the good news of Jesus Christ and how they can follow Him. We play games, sing songs, memorize verses, pray, have snacks, and tell Bible and Missionary stories! If you want to get in on this and host your own 5-Day Club, you can find your local chapter at; if you're in Minnesota, go to

My History with 5-Day Clubs. 

 When I was a child, I went to a few 5-Day Clubs. There were a few at my church and even one at my house. These were fun, I got to learn more about Jesus, play fun games, sing songs that get stuck in my head, and eat yummy snacks! On top of that, these older kids who were teaching us actually made it obvious they cared about and liked hanging out with us which was so cool! I loved going to these 5-Day Clubs, and soon enough I would be teaching them myself.

 In 2016, I began teaching 5-Day Clubs as an assistant missionary, and it was awesome! I got to teach children about Jesus by teaching Bible verses, songs, games, and using the puppet! Unfortunately, after my first day, I refused to teach verses for the first three years (2016 included) of my teaching due to an embarrassing experience, but I eventually did it again in 2019 and onward; I also don't remember ever being asked to teach a game back then, sadly. Anyways, not only did I get to teach children, but I also got to have fellowship with many amazing people whom I would be teaching with! I knew I'd definitely have to do that again the next year.

 I remained an assistant throughout 2017-2019 due to other commitments, but I loved every femtosecond of it. I would teach at churches, at mobile home parks, in people's backyards, and all over the place! Beginning in 2018, I also began to go out to the training camp which was so much fun! I also met many great friends whom I still connect with to this day! My years as an assistant were awesome but not nearly as good as when I moved up to being a missionary!

 In 2020, I finally became a missionary and continued this in 2021! I got to teach missionary stories, Bible stories, more games, and learn so much more! I've gotten to meet many more friends and teach many more clubs! I've gotten to step into more advanced positions of leadership and have greater time to fellowship with my other teachers. Because of this, while many people had terrible years in 2020 and 2021, I will remember these as some of the best years of my life!

My Involvement this Year.

 This year, between June and July, I will once again be teaching 5-Day Clubs! I am also going to be stepping into a higher leadership position known as a Disciple; as a Disciple, I will be learning both leadership skills and how to more effectively teach younger, preschool-aged children. I will be going to the training camp on June 12 and returning to teach clubs on the 24th. While I cannot be certain about my schedule as of writing this, I believe I will be teaching for 3-4 weeks with my last week being July 18th-22nd. While I can make no promise, I intend to post a summary of how I was involved and what I did after I am finished with clubs.

 Please be praying for me and my fellow teachers as I go out to these clubs this year!

CEF Internship | Missouri

What is Child Evangelism Fellowship?

 Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) is a children's ministry organization dedicated to reaching and working to disciple children in Bible-based faith. CEF was founded in 1937 by Jesse Irvin Olverholzer after reading one of Charles Spurgeon's sermons. CEF is based upon Biblical principles; you can learn about their statement of faith here CEF performs its ministry in several different ways, such as CYIA, CMI, Good News Clubs, and 5-Day Clubs. CEF is a great ministry run by amazing people who have a strong desire to see that every child of every nation come to know Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior.

My involvement in 2022-2023.

 Starting on August 1st, I will be interning at the Child Evangelism Fellowship International Headquarters down in Missouri. I will get there on July 30th, 2022 and my internship will end on July 28th, 2023. While I'm not certain exactly what I will be doing just yet, I was interviewed for a position in Guest Services and, thus, will be assuming that for this post. In Guest Services I will be filling out spreadsheets, greeting people, and just doing the background work for guests in general. I'm really excited to start and hopeful it will go well!

 Please pray for me during my internship!

CMI | Missouri

 The Children's Ministry Institute (CMI) is a school-like program for aspiring workers and leaders in Child Evangelism Fellowship across the whole world. CMI's semesters last three months. The classes are designed to teach the students how to teach children and how to teach others how they can teach children. The classes are Teaching Children Effectively (TCE-1 & TCE-2) and Instructor of Teachers (IOT-1 & IOT-2). CMI is a really cool program and if anyone would be interested in it, you can learn more here:

 I intend to go through the CMI program between August and November of 2023. I will be taking TCE-1 and TCE-2. I will most likely be able to take this for free due to the internship. These classes will be very beneficial to me and my future ministry intentions. I plan to learn a lot in these classes!

 Please pray for me when I'm at CMI!


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