
Showing posts from August, 2022

Mission Report: 5-Day Clubs 2022

    Hello! This is Jonah Flynn of the Jonah on a Mission blog here to give you the 5-Day Clubs Mission Report of 2022! This past summer I taught 4 weeks of 5-Day Clubs with a total of 6 clubs. In this post, I will vaguely detail the summer in relation to 5-Day Clubs and will include a photo. Please enjoy!     My first club was at two of my good friends' house. I taught with 4 other summer missionaries that week, two of which being said friends. We had quite a lot of kids this week, three being siblings of other summer missionaries, two being my mother's daycare children, and one even being a summer missionary from another chapter! This is also the only club I have a picture of to show y'all. Overall, it was a fantastic week and a wonderful club!     My second club was at a campground, which was new for me. I taught with one missionary from the previous week and two I hadn't taught with yet. There were three kids the first day and two the remainder of the week, but it wa

Jonah is in Missouri by Mom (Annie)

On Thursday, August 28th Scott, Jonah, and I left home at 9am to go to Missouri. We arrived in Warrenton at around 7pm and check into a nice hotel for two nights. On Friday we traveled around Warrenton and the surrounding areas. We for a nice walmart and a tasty Waffle House. On Saturday we went to a neighboring town and spent an hour at an arcade just having fun. At 2:30pm Scott and I check into our room at the CEF headquarters and then went over to Jonah’s dorm. We meet his RA and another intern and moved Jonah in. He has his own room and bathroom. There is a shared laundry room, kitchen, and a few rooms just for hanging out. Sunday we took Jonah out for breakfast and at 1pm we said our face to face goodbyes till Christmas. Scott and I made it home Sunday July 31st just before midnight.  Now Jonah has started his second week of his internship at CEF headquarters today. He is enjoying his work and meeting everyone that he works with. His works hours are 7:30am-4pm and then he hangs ou